
News & Articles

  • Building has begun

    Well, it started with needing to demolish a room before the construction could begin… Teamwork – taking down walls New Brew Dog, Mavrik Candace and power tools! We aren’t above using child labor Taaaa daaaa!   The way is cleared for construction to begin! Thank you to The Augusta Group and our Architect, Rick Morton…

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  • Moving right along

    The good news First, we narrowly escaped the great flood of 2013 which sadly put thousands of people from their homes and caused damages to many businesses in Longmont and across Colorado. Because we didn’t have anything in the space yet, it was less stressful than it could have been. It was bad news for…

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  • We have a location!

    We have been hard at work: Man, working through the licensing has been a bear, so if you haven’t heard much from us, that is why. We would sure rather be brewing beer, than dealing with paperwork. But, we have happily completed the hundreds of pages of supplied info for the license applications and now…

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  • We ordered our kettle

    …with Indiegogo funds Thanks to the generous support of the community, we were able to place an order for our kettle this past week. Check out our supporters here. We now have the mash tun in our hands and are still scouting locations and have some promising prospects.   We expect things to move quickly…

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  • Test batches

    We are currently brewing our test brews, getting our business plan in order and scouting out locations. 300 Suns Brewing is going to be a community brewery so YOUR input will shape the brews you get to drink there! Check back soon for information on our Collabeeration concept. For now, please let us know what…

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