Happy New Year note

A note from 300 Suns as we head into the New Year and say THANK YOU to all of our existing and future customers! Thank you!!! You are awesome…and also gorgeous…and smart, did we mention how gosh-darned smart you are?

Dear Future Customers:

Hi, you don’t know us but welcome to 300 Suns Brewing. We hope to see you in the new year! Here’s the inside scoop on who we are:

  • We’re just people and when we started this brewery we never had delusions we were beer gods. We think that means we can provide an experience that makes us feel like home to other normal people. We also think that opens opportunities in creating our beer that craft beer snobbery would close for us. But if you are a craft beer snob, that’s ok, we’ll serve up our best IPA and happily discuss what’s going on in the craft beer industry with you.
  • We work really hard making beer for you to enjoy. It’s also for us, but mostly, we hope you enjoy it. Let us know what you think. We listen, we care.
  • Our first two years were really rough. As I type this, there is a Hawaiian shirt on a hanger behind me. It is meant to be made into a cask handle in memory of Mark, our brewer who passed away this past year. You will see little touches from Mark throughout the brewery. When you think our hands free restroom door pulls, our silver pennies in the bartop, our cask beer engine, our recharging station are all cool, we smile because those were all Mark’s touches.
  • There are touches of all of us in the brewery. We had the builders do everything that required a professional by law and then we did all the rest with the help of our friends and families. We continue to try to provide those touches. There is love here and we hope you feel it. Built with love, brewed with love. There is even a glass work of art behind the bar that was “public art” created by our customers (with some help from Judy Batty).
  • Our Rabbit Mountain Red is super delicious. So is our Sun Wortshipper Brown Ale. We are also sad when they go off tap and try our best not to let that happen. It sometimes does and the reason why is you drink too much…wait no… we are people making beer in a very small brewery and sometimes things happen beyond our control and sometimes we screw up. We are always working on it and hope that it happens less and less as we learn and grow. However, we love when you try a new beer besides the Red or Brown, and then decide it is your new favorite. We brew a lot of different beers and it’s really hard to walk out the door without having tried a beer you like. Exploring beer is fun. Come explore with us in a way that you can only do at a small craft brewery.
  • Have we mentioned we are small? From our brewery to our new borrowed bottler, everything is done with a handful of people spit-balling, brainstorming and troubleshooting our way to delicious craft beer. You won’t find fancy equipment or a team of experts here. Just little ole us and and a dream.
  • We have food. We have been told things like “best grilled cheese ever” and “oh my god this is amazing”. Try it sometime. The sandwiches are made from scratch and to order. The cheeses are from the Cheese Importers paired especially to go with beer. The salsas are amazing and surprising. The recipes, like our beer recipes were crafted with love.
  • We also have hard cider and wine. See point one. We aren’t beer snobs and we realize some of your friends don’t like or can’t drink beer. We think that’s just fine and would like to meet them anyway…they are probably really nice.

Dear Existing  Customers:

Welcome to 2016. We have lots of ideas on what to do this year and our focus is really on the beer. It’s easy to get distracted by all the other things we can do as a brewery. From music (which we love) to comedy (which we love) and we want to continue to do the fun things that having a brewery allows us to do. However, this year and every year after, we are renewing our focus on providing fun, interesting, delicious, well-balanced craft ales to the world (well to our world of Longmont and maybe a few miles beyond!) from our very small, hand-crafted brewery.

So here’s what is up in 2016:


OK, we were reluctant to get started and now, frankly we are beginning to sound like addicts hoping for our next fix. Bottling gives us a different avenue with different challenges and we love a good challenge. Look for some more bottles in stores as we experiment with new recipes and bring back some old favorites to put on the shelves. Our plan is to have some consistent favorites that you can find all the time as well as seasonal and limited editions.

On tap:

Dan is really coming into his own with brewing and that’s exciting for us to experience. Expect his voice to be coming through more in 2016 as he continues to hone his new trade. Sometimes life throws you a curveball and it’s pretty amazing to watch that curveball turn into lemonade…oh ha, see what I did there…

In restaurants:

Michael is working hard getting our beer out the door to restaurants in Longmont and beyond, more of that good stuff in 2016.

Beer-centric events:

We’re working on ways to provide events that focus on beer, so look for some fun stuff in the coming year, including an extension of our SMASH Vertical Tasting we did this past year where we brewed different hops in our SMASH recipe and tried the results next to each other. Next up: find out how different yeast strains affect the aroma and taste of beer. Also, our Chili Cook-off will be taking a twist and becoming a chili cook-off beer tasting combo event. More on that later!